With topics including Mental Health, Healthy Aging, Preventing Sickness, and more, you are certain to find an article that helps you lead a healthier life.
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Dr. Google! How To Navigate and Manage Medical Misinformation.
Medical misinformation and how it affects our patients and practice.
The Holidays Are Almost Here! How to Navigate Through All the Festivities!
The holidays are almost here! How to navigate through all the festivities.
Sleep Apnea? What Does it Mean and How Do I Know if I Have it?
Sleep Apnea: What is It and How Can You Tell if You Have It?
Polypharmacy? What Does That Mean?
Polypharmacy is a growing concern among older adults and younger at-risk patients.
My blood pressure is high. What can I do to keep from going on prescription medication?
Hypertension, commonly referred to as high blood pressure, maybe something you are not aware of that you have.
Wellness Trends For 2024! How Are You Doing With Your New Year’s Resolutions?
Happy New Year! Have you made any New Year’s resolutions?
Yoga Anyone? It May Benefit Your Physical and Mental Health!
Yoga, its origin rooted in India thousands of years ago, continues to grow in popularity among Americans.
There are numerous types of yoga; each approach combines physical postures and movement, breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation.
Can’t Sleep? Try This!
I cannot fall asleep; I cannot stay asleep; I wake up early and cannot get back to sleep. Insomnia is a common sleep disorder and can, over time, affect your quality of life. Treatment aims to improve energy, concentration, and memory, reduce fatigue, and lower the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.